2020 has proven this decade will be dramatically different than the one before it with so much change and volatility. The Covid-19 pandemic has allowed many businesses an opportunity to reboot their way of thinking and reinvent their approach in the field of modern software development.  Software services companies are now leading other industries to inculcate the way of modern software development.

Cloud-centric software companies now can change, tune, tweak, and augment the functionality of the different parts of the software if they want. “Modern software development is about acknowledging the landscape of libraries and tools and applying them. The knowledge of creating an optimal algorithm is no longer required. Modern software development platforms become agile and move on from the traditional coding process of the 90s that required a sophisticated application” as mentioned by our CEO Apratim Ghosh.

Now the hidden question is how modern software development trends will be reshaping the organization’s future and how software developers are going to accommodate this in 2020 and beyond?

1. AI-powered business process  

The growth of AI-powered businesses will exponentially increase in the next few years. It is a great opportunity for organizations to retool routine business and technical processes using AI technology. It is also a great consideration for the software consulting services company engaged in developing custom applications. AI will lead the business with greater efficiency, better accuracy, and improving the bottom-line as well. 

2. Low-Code and No-code tools in frontline

After this pandemic, global business has observed five years of digital transformation within five months. Low-code and no-code platforms come to the front line of future software development. Low-code and no-code tools are now shining by building custom business processes and apps for businesses with minimal IT support in the blink of an eye. 


Software consulting firms are now more adhere to this platform as it allows citizen developers with minimal knowledge of hand-coding and makes the delivery faster with pre-packaged templates, graphic design, and drag-n-drop options.

3. Switch to machine learning operation

Machine learning operations are now highly recommended for an advanced modicum of operational excellence. In MLOps, the automated concept drift-detection allows us to check how production data differ from the data used to train the model. Based on the real-time feedback on the KPI model of production software services companies provide pre-build support to their clients and successfully update the model in the production phase with the support of AutoML integration. Software consulting companies are also applying the same machine learning techniques for successful software application development.  


4. Automated evaluation of code quality

Code quality is the first consideration of every software consulting firm in building any software because without readable, scalable, and maintainable code they cannot run the application successfully. Considering it, experienced engineers pay more attention to developers’ coding capability at the time of hiring. In the voice of Tigran Sloyan, Code signal, the manual code review is a lengthy process, but with advanced AI and machine-learning techniques, it will be automated very soon.

5. Progressive custom web app

Progressive Web Applications are the latest generation of mobile-optimized websites. According to Gartner’s research, Progressive Web Apps will replace 50% of all customers facing native apps by 2020. Software consulting companies are now giving more preference to these PWA as it shares many of the same functionalities as native apps and provides an identical user experience. 


6. Python squeezes its competition

According to software services companies, Python’s robust growth is likely to be continued in 2020 and beyond. We all know that computer languages are always growing to shift and evolving but, Python has magically edged out Java for the top spot.


As per the opinions of the corporate leaders, Python is an easy-to-learn language, and spontaneous syntax makes it a transcendent language for beginners. Open source and versatile features make Python an ideal choice for start-ups and mid based software consulting firms. With so much popularity this trending programming language of 2020 reached Version 3.8.1 from version 1.0.  

7. User-experience design

According to the Forrester Research report 2019, on average, every dollar invested in UX brings $100 in return with an ROI of 9900%. For every business. In that context, User Experience designs have entirely shaken the ground of how custom applications were developed to address user challenges, and now it is time to explore how the UX principle could play a pioneering role in defining a product or service roadmap. In the view of IT consultants, user experience led software design is critical for redesigning customer-facing services and allow companies to recapture their business in the present all-digital environment.  

8. Motion UI

In 2020 and beyond, we will start seeing a less static website with more applications of motion UI. It is the most user-centric and sophisticated approach for a design that makes the website more expressive and even user-friendly. For example, a user clicks on a button will redirect them to a page with new information along with the moving effects on the screen. According to Thomas Griffin, Motion UI can connect dots and improve user journeys that a static image or a screen cannot.

9. Edge computing and FAAS

For a long time, the cloud-based IaaS and PaaS technologies have helped many organizations to accelerate their delivery while the majority still require a nonredundant service for isolated geolocation. The shift to FaaS (functions-as-a-service) is the next big evolution that will host at the very edge of our cloud and CDN networks.

10. The integration of DevSecOps

Within modern software development, shifting security and integrating DevSecops combine with automation is the next big future trend. Developers can not overlook the security nor allowed waiting until the later stages of the software development life cycle to ‘take on’ security. Software services companies apply threat modeling automation as it enables them to detect, prioritize, and mitigate threats from virus attacks in the design phase. 


11. Perfection with digital experience

A perfect digital experience went from a novelty to a table stake in a blink of an eye. Front-end development takes center stage as the number of applications skyrockets, and cloud infrastructure becomes ubiquitous for software development services. As per McKinsey build up the next-generation operation model is the most crucial part of digital experience in development. It allows business free from all constraints (decision-making bureaucracy, tech infrastructure, business-historic culture) innovative talent that can push the envelope and hatch new business models—your in-house Internet start-up.

In short, we can say that modern software development is all about building solutions that take advantage of technology offer using the different architectures, services, and capabilities available to maximize the benefits. It also increases interpersonal skills and improves the collaborative approach to maintain harmony with the context of use and customers. 

Now organizations are paying much attention to fundamental concerns like security, privacy, and ethical responsibility with modern software development practice. We hope in the future Modern software practice will make developers more eligible with better techniques and technologies. If you also want to apply modern software development techniques for your business, then feel free to reach us. We are here to help you!

Cloud migration typically refers to the process of moving digital assets- like Data, workloads, IT resources, or application from on-premises to the cloud infrastructure. According to Gartner, Inc. forecast, the worldwide public cloud service market has grown 17% in 2020 to a total of $266.4* billion.  But the problem is in migrating applications to the public cloud, IT teams are confronting two separate but related issues that add costs and complexity: refactoring and repatriation. Let us look at the reasons behind avoid refactoring and repatriation before we delve into the probable solutions for the cloud migration journey.


Why business avoid Refactoring 

Refactoring applications frequently happen when you are looking at custom-built apps. With the approach of refactoring, you will have to rewrite the code and completely re-engineer your application from scratch to make the application more cloud ready. APIs and integrations with computing, storage, and network resources are also included under the refactoring process. 

Refactoring turns legacy apps into cloud-native apps, makes it more feasible for developers to use modern tools such as containers and microservices, and saves money in the long run. Although this approach makes an application more scalable and responsive than on-premises counterparts, it takes a lot of additional time and resources, meaning your upfront costs are going to be much higher. The chances of risks are high because the IT team needs to be careful that they are not impacting the external behavior of the application while rewriting the code.


IT team can apply the lift and shift method for moving an application from the data center to the cloud and avoid the process of refactoring completely. This method simplifies the migration process, saves time and cost, and accelerates the shift to the cloud. They can also use pervasive automation to make the lift-and-shift migration as seamless as possible.

Apart from that, IT consultants can leverage a cloud platform that tightly integrates on-premises infrastructure with cloud management software. By using the Microsoft Azure platform as a migration path, IT can build a cloud strategy that delivers agility and cost optimization. This holistic approach will not only help you navigate the journey successfully but also ensure that your organization releases new benefits including, agility, scale, and efficiency, especially when your workloads are running in the cloud. 

Why business avoid Repatriation

“Unclouding” or “repatriation” is the process of pushing back application workloads and data from the public cloud to local infrastructure environments within an on-premises data center. As mentioned by TechTarget, concerns about operating costs, availability, changing business needs, security and compliance, and cloud-based workload performance are the most common reasons for repatriation. 

Repatriation is also too expensive and time consuming that businesses want to avoid. Initially, the organizations go through the expense of migrating an app to the cloud then they realize it is spending too much money in the cloud and bearing other issues. Finally, they decide to go through the expense of migrating that application back to the data center. The whole process ultimately creates a lot of difficulties and confusion for the business.


The cost of repatriation may vary as per the application, workload, and company infrastructure. According to a survey result, one company can save almost $75** million in infrastructure costs over two years by moving apps to the data center from the cloud. Moreover, it would reduce operational costs 66% by reducing downtime and increasing capacity by 25%**. Sometimes even IT experts face troubles understanding the complexities of the public cloud. AWS, Azure, and other public cloud vendors are even offering a gateway to the public cloud and back with solutions like AWS Outpost and Azure Stack. Businesses can consider using Azure Import/Export to securely import or export large amounts of data to Azure Blob storage and Azure files by shipping disk drives to an Azure data center.

Simplifying the cloud migration path The migration to the cloud does not have to be difficult if an organization executed proper planning. Choosing the right cloud platform can also increase speed and reduce risk. We hope the below three simple steps will help every enterprise in advanced migration.

Step 1: Assess your application inventory carefully

First, an organization needs to plan a proper assessment that will categorize the application portfolio into different groups (like modern apps, legacy apps, or everything else including, Java, .NET, web applications) and include an assessment of the dependencies or ecosystem around the application. In Inovar Consulting, we first communicate with our clients to understand the physical and virtual server configurations, security and compliance requirements, existing support, network topology, and data dependencies. It helps us to see where to begin for maximum results and create a proper strategy plan as per the present needs.

Step 2: Create a proper plan

The best way to avoid the costs and complexities of refactoring and repatriation is to do a thorough analysis of the applications. Before suggesting any migration path, we ask the below questions and encourage our customers to think beyond the applications.

  1. What are the business goals, and why are you considering the cloud?
  2. What is the architecture of the application? Does it follow the cloud-native principles for high availability?
  3. What are the interdependencies between each app and workload?
  4. What tools are being used to manage and enforce the security policies around the application?
  5. How much will the migration cost and, once it is completed, what will be the ongoing operational costs?
  6. How much you aware of the underlying topology and performance characteristics?

You have to prioritize the migration based on the answers to this question. For example, you may decide that the application is better served by incorporating public cloud services in a hybrid cloud model that involves a lift-and-shift migration. Or if the analysis determines that refactoring is mandatory then, it is vital to choose the right migration path so you can avoid repatriation in the future.


Step 3: Migrate quickly to cover the cost

As per our past experiences, we have seen the most cost-effective path to the cloud often, that approach ends up costing more in the long run. The reason is during migration organizations are bearing two infrastructures, incurring costs on both sides. If organizations want to cover the cost and begin to realize savings, then speedy migration with mitigated risks is the best approach for them. The statistics show organizations can see 40 to 60%*** operational cost savings when moving enterprise applications to a managed private or public cloud service.

Taking the next step to the future

Refactoring and repatriation are complex issues for organizations. But in most cases, cloud migration suffers because enterprises do not have the experience, knowledge, or resources to undertake the analysis, set the specific requirements, and make the best decision for the long term.

Now, cloud migration has become most crucial for digital transformation and for embracing to future technology trends. Therefore, it is the best time to enlist the expertise of your trusted partners can have a dramatic impact on your success.

If you are still confronting with the questions Refactor? Repatriate? Lift-and-shift? Then, it’s time to reach us to find out how the combination of cloud-first strategy and Azure technology platform can simplify your cloud migrations.


*Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 17% in 2020 Retrieved from Gartner.com

**Malachy. J, (2019) Psst. Hey. Hey you. We have to whisper this in case the cool kidz hear, but… it’s OK to pull your data back from the cloud Retrieved from TheRegister.com

***Pierrefricke (2019) 3 Steps to Simplify Application Migration to the Cloud Retrieved from Rackspace.com

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how one operates and delivers value to customers. With all the service options a customer has nowadays, the relationship a service-provider has with its customers has never been more critical. Businesses must be agile and flexible to meet their evolving demands, and the onus is on these businesses to support those needs and streamline efficiency.

Additionally, a digital transformation strategy helps employees being more engaged. With updated systems, applications, and solutions, it’s easier to communicate with customers, partners, and co-workers, and it leads to better collaboration as well, helping them succeed in driving important business initiatives.


There are many ways that a company can gain benefit by instituting a digital transformation plan, some of which are short-term wins, while others become more obvious down the line. Here are the 6 critical factors that lead to success in Digital Transformation.

  1. Setting a strategy that covers what, why, and how and defines specific business outcomes
  2. Winning leadership commitment from CEO through middle management
  3. Finding the most capable people to drive the program
  4. Developing an agile governance mindset that is flexible and adaptable.
  5. Establishing clear metrics for processes and outcomes
  6. Building modular tech and data platforms driven by business needs

The key to addressing all six factors is planning, preparation, and execution of digital transformation strategy. Once the plan is fixed, then one can determine what it is that one wants to gain from upgrading the digital foothold. Digital Leaders have accomplished an earnings growth 1.8 times* higher than companies that resist Digital Transformation. Organizations that get these 6 elements right have an 80%* chance of success.


Out of the six factors mentioned, two of them are the most critical:

Agility is the key – Organizations need to ensure that all operations adopt an agile approach to work. This means learning continuously, acting as one team, being outcome-oriented, and being committed to action. While making this shift, having an agile mindset is of utmost importance. This requires an authentic belief in the behavioural changes required, as well as supporting tools such as playbooks, processes, and support to work in a cross-functional, mission-oriented way.

Soft skills are as important as tech skills – Another key factor is spending enough time to get the right people in place and then supporting those people. Leaders need to find the best people with the highest potential to lead a successful transformation. A few things to assess when finding a transformation team are:

  1. Have you taken extra care to fill pivotal roles such as program manager?
  2. Are there enough digitally literate people to drive new thinking?
  3. Have you sourced team members tactically from business units so that they can become champions in critical areas?
  4. Do you have a detailed assessment of the skills required and gaps to be filled?

In addition to tracking progress toward goals, company leaders should track the momentum of the project. Digital Transformation leaders should ask these questions to measure momentum:

These “threshold behaviours” are a good indicator of whether the work is headed in the right direction or stalled out. Success is measured by the percentage of targets met and value created, the percentage of goals met on time, success relative to other transformations, and success relative to management’s aspirations for sustainable change. 

InovarTech eliminates the complexity of end-to-end integration with a modern cloud integration platform that connects B2B Data flows, applications, and data across the entire ecosystem and drives complex digital transformation efforts.


*6 ways to win at Digital Transformation from TechRepublic