In recent years, enterprises have adopted Gen AI faster than other technologies. 

According to McKinsey’s Global survey on AI, 65% of enterprises regularly use Gen AI in marketing and sales, product development, and IT functions like the IT help desk. It’s helping enterprises automate and streamline processes, improve employee productivity, focus more on innovation, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Despite the clear benefits and the desire to build more Gen AI applications, enterprises are unable to make substantial progress. They need to provide all the enterprise data to help Gen AI generate accurate and desirable outcomes.

Enterprises face a significant challenge in consolidating the vast amounts of data they collect and store across various platforms because of data silos. This poses a major challenge when launching new Gen AI projects. 

For example, Gen AI can transform processes and automate workflows by understanding the existing processes and operations. However, without access to enterprise data or an understanding of the business, it cannot personalize customer interactions, predict trends, automate tasks, or make data-driven decisions. Without holistic and accurate data, the enterprise could be staring at just another Gen AI or automation tool generating results without any context or relevance. 

To make the most out of Gen AI, enterprises must eliminate data silos. 

That’s where Microsoft Copilot comes in.

How Microsoft Copilot Can Eliminate Data Silos and Help Launch Gen AI Initiatives

Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered assistant designed to streamline daily tasks. You can integrate it with Microsoft 365 suite to summarize information, retrieve documents, translate text into various languages, and make business predictions based on the available enterprise data. 

Here are a few ways in which enterprises can use Microsoft Copilot for eliminating data silos and launching new Gen AI initiatives. 

How Can InovarTech Help Enterprises Launch Successful Gen AI Initiatives with Microsoft Copilot

Unless enterprises don’t take the right step to eliminate data silos, they are going to be bogged down by operational inefficiencies and lack of growth due to challenges in implementing Gen AI initiatives.

That’s why Microsoft Copilot is vital for business. It can act as a catalyst that helps enterprises transform their businesses, streamline operations, and improve productivity.

If you want to supercharge your business with Copilot solutions, look no further.

Our team at InovarTech can be your partner on this journey. We understand the complex enterprise landscape and know how to integrate Copilot seamlessly with your business operations. We can help you with:

For more information on how we can help you get kickstarted with Gen AI initiatives, contact us

Today, how you and I use technology for work and life has dramatically changed. Each year brings with it innovations and trends that have the potential to revolutionize industries and reshape our daily lives. As Leaders, IT professionals and companies, we are focused on technologies that will help us reduce further investments and acquire more returns.  

In 2023, several technology trends have emerged that hold significant promise for transforming various sectors. This year began with renewed vigour and enthusiasm for adopting technologies that will be worthwhile for accelerating business performance.  

In this blog, we will delve into eight technology trends you should consider this year.  

Recently, one new trend that has been making waves in the tech world is Generative AI. It promises to drive sustainable growth, solve global challenges, and transform business operations significantly. Generative AI is the upgraded version of AI, which adds to the innovative capabilities of existing technologies like applied AI and industrial machine learning.  

A June 2023 report by McKinsey titled The Economic Potential of Generative AI: The Next Productivity Frontier states generative AI and related models have transformed how businesses will use AI in the future.  

For a better perspective, you can read our blog on privacy and security concerns on Generative AI.   

Generative AI upgrades components within assistive technology by accelerating application development and making powerful capabilities available to the non-technical user base.  

By looking at the latest predictions, we can deduce Generative AI is likely to add $4.4 trillion in economic value by harnessing specific use cases and other diverse uses like drafting email templates to increase overall productivity.  

Although we have not seen significant tech investments over the past year, we can remain optimistic about future growth investment prospects. The year 2022 witnessed almost $1 trillion in tech investments, cementing our faith in the value potential of trending technologies.  

Despite witnessing a decline in the adoption and uptake of applied AI, advanced connectivity, cloud, and edge computing, we can conclude that it is partially due to their maturity levels. Mature technologies are often exposed to short-term budget dynamics more than recent ones, such as climate and mobility technologies.  

One example would be Open AI, which is predicted to go bankrupt by the end of 2024. The operational expenses for Open AI amount to $700,000 per day. Despite experiencing robust success initially, these financial struggles are hindering the company from achieving a revenue level that covers crucial expenditures.  

Despite much noise about trending technologies, we must primarily focus on the value and potential of relevant technologies for our business progress. With a careful assessment of emerging landscapes and a balanced approach towards old and innovative technologies, we can harness innovation for sustainable growth.  

Let us look at the current and upcoming trends around relevant technologies that tech companies should watch out for.  

1. Applied AI   

2. Automating Machine Learning   

3. Generative AI 

4. Next-Gen Software Development 

For a detailed insight into Inovar’s Low Code/No Code practices and approaches, download our exclusive whitepaper resource by clicking here.  

5. Digital Trust Architecture and Identity 

6. Cloud Computing Services    

If you are considering migrating to the cloud, download our Cloud Migration Guide.   

7. Cybersecurity     

Download our Security Case Study that we implemented for a large non-profit education organization.  

8. Internet Of Things    

Download our IoT whitepaper to check on scenarios you can implement for your business.  

Trending technologies of 2023 are the result of the rapid pace at which technology and innovation are evolving. From AI-driven upgrades to finding suitable solutions and upcoming technology patterns, these trends will change how we work, interact, and succeed in this digital landscape.  

Technology experts believe 2023 will probably be an exhilarating year for witnessing rapid technological advancements in terms of new tools, their diverse capabilities and how businesses will leverage them to tackle bottlenecks and changes.  

The selection and adoption of relevant technologies will pave the direction for the success of several industries in the future.  

For more understanding of 2023 Cloud Native Trends, please refer to our informational video on Top Cloud Native Trends to Watch in 2023.


  1. McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023. (McKinsey Report) 
  1. Introducing GitHub Copilot: your AI pair programmer. (GitHub) 
  1. OpenAI might go bankrupt by end of 2024, ChatGPT costing over Rs 5.80 crore per day. (Business India Report) 
  2. Gmail is bringing in AI security for where humans fail. (CNET)